Blogs > Lighten Up with Alayne

Alayne Avery of Wickliffe is looking for help with healthy eating and is anxious for the accountability of the weight-loss contest.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Finally starting to get back on track with my exercise.  I've exercised every day since Tuesday.  So far today, exercise has been in the form of moving some furniture to rearrange a room in my house.  I did work up a sweat.  I plan to get on the exercise bike or take the dog for a walk later as well.  So far, a daily reminder set up on my phone has done the trick.  And when I don't feel like it, I've reminded myself... The time to exercise is when you least feel like it.  The scale isn't as kind to me.  Seems I'm up from last time?  Hopefully more muscle! 


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